Tender Search


Advert No Tender Scope Partial Offer Advert Subject Contracting Unit Tender Date
2018 / 274538 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed 900 M.TONS ANIONIC FLOCCULANT WILL BE PURCHASED FOR ETİ Procurement Dept. 02.07.2018 06:00
2018/444915 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed 120 tons Non-ionic Flocculant Procurement Dept. 31.10.2018 11:00
2018/560773 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks and Mortars Procurement Dept. 29.11.2018 11:00
2019/61663 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed 80.000 Liters of Vanadium Pentoxide Catalyst Procurement Dept. 06.03.2019 11:00
2019/80857 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of 100 mTons Polyethylene Oxide Procurement Dept. 13.03.2019 11:00
2019/99060 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed ZIRCONIA BASED REFRACTORY BRICKS AND MORTARS Procurement Dept. 25.03.2019 11:00
2019/135647 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Refractory Bricks And Mortar Materials for Bandırma Boron and Acid Works Procurement Dept. 15.04.2019 11:00
2019/159968 Domestic + Abroad 201 Open 20.000 TONS (WITH ±20% TOLERANCE) OF MINIMUM 97% SULFURIC ACID Procurement Dept. 03.05.2019 11:00
2019/198923 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of 100 mTons Polyethylene Oxide Procurement Dept. 15.05.2019 11:00
2019/220094 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of 80.000 Liters Vanadium Pentoxide Catalyst for Bandırma Boron and Acid Works Procurement Dept. 24.05.2019 04:08
2019/281409 Domestic + Abroad 201 Open 17.500 Tons (With ±20% Tolerance) Of Minimum 97% Sulfuric Acid Procurement Dept. 09.07.2019 06:00
2019/272463 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Colemanite Toxicity Testing Services Procurement Dept. 01.08.2019 09:30
2019/584402 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed ONE VACUUM BELT FILTER SYSTEM Procurement Dept. 10.12.2019 06:00
2019/ 642234 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed TWO POLISH FILTER SYSTEMS Procurement Dept. 17.12.2019 06:00
2020/99321 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASE OF ZIRCONIA BASED REFRACTORY BRICKS AND MORTARS Procurement Dept. 19.03.2020 11:00
2020/285300 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of Refractory Bricks and Mortars Procurement Dept. 02.07.2020 11:00
2020/590613 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASING OF 50.000 LITERS VANADIUM PENTOXIDE CATALYST FOR BANDIRMA BORON AND ACID WORKS Procurement Dept. 01.12.2020 11:00
2020/606093 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASING OF ONE FFS BAGGING, PALLETIZING, STRETCH HOODER LINE Procurement Dept. 02.12.2020 11:00
2020/651084 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Puchasing of 3 (Three) Two-Phase Pusher Type Horizontal Centrifuges for Kırka Boron Works Procurement Dept. 15.12.2020 11:00
2020/682426 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASING OF REFRACTORY BRICKS AND MORTARS Procurement Dept. 15.01.2021 11:00
2020/733550 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks and Mortars Procurement Dept. 26.01.2021 11:00
2021/50719 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASING OF 50.000 LITERS VANADIUM PENTOXIDE CATALYST Procurement Dept. 02.03.2021 11:00
2021/152161 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks and Mortars Procurement Dept. 09.04.2021 11:00
2021/273276 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks and Mortar Materials Procurement Dept. 10.06.2021 11:00
2021/884865 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed 100.000 LITERS VANADIUM PENTAOXIDE CATALYST Procurement Dept. 18.01.2022 14:30
2021/905442 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 27.01.2022 11:00
2022/282130 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 25.04.2022 11:00
2022/657381 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 04.08.2022 11:00
2022/1070348 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed ZIRCONIA BASED REFRACTORY BRICKS Procurement Dept. 23.11.2022 11:00
2022/1170216 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed REFRACTORY BRICKS Procurement Dept. 01.12.2022 11:00
2023/171517 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing Of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 30.03.2023 11:00
2023/731663 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed 2 Units of Two-Stage Pusher Type Horizontal Centrifuge Procurement Dept. 31.08.2023 11:00
2023/1032104 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of 1 Unit of Secondary Crusher Procurement Dept. 31.10.2023 11:00
2023/1156504 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of 180 Tons Non-Ionic Flocculant Procurement Dept. 22.11.2023 11:00
2023/1190750 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of 2 Units of Decanter Centrifuge and Installation Procurement Dept. 23.11.2023 11:00
2023/1265295 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 18.12.2023 14:30
2023/1415884 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of 1 (One) Laboratory-Scale Solvent Extraction Unit Procurement Dept. 26.12.2023 11:00
2024/449085 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 22.04.2024 11:00
2024/651431 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchasing of Zirconia Based Refractory Bricks Procurement Dept. 26.06.2024 14:30
2024/689998 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed Purchase of 1 Unit of Mill Reducer Procurement Dept. 23.07.2024 11:00
2024/1038383 Domestic + Abroad 201 Closed PURCHASING OF VANADIUM PENTOXIDE CATALYST Procurement Dept. 10.10.2024 11:00
General Directorate
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