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Boron, Renewable Energy Storage

Decrease of reserves of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and increase in demand for these resources, are causing the search for alternative energy sources. The continuity of technological developments and the ever-increasing world population lead to the need for excessive amounts of energy. In this direction, researches on energy source and production gain importance. Production and consumption of primary energy resources negatively affect natural life, environment, human health, and country and world economies. The energy needs of the future can be sustained and renewed with the effective contribution of boron products and by creating alternatives that are sensitive to natural life they are in an important position in the energy sector.

Energy Strengthened and Valued with Boron

Considered among the energy sources of the future and still researches are in progress, the fuel cells that converts hydrogen to electric energy, has a very important place. Scientific research on the production, transportation, storing, fuel cell development, system integration in usage areas etc. regarding hydrogen in the R&D phase continues to be developed. Boron, which allows the hydrogen energy to be used with high efficiency, is among the major raw materials in the development of sodium borohydride fuel cells. In addition, sodium borohydride is widely used in purification chemicals, cellulose bleaching, cleaning of metal surfaces, precious metal recovery in metal surface treatment, and cleaning of heavy metals from waste waters.

Boron Touch to the Energy of the Future

Boron, contributing to the creation of sustainable and highly efficient energy sources for your future, adds value to the energy sector with sodium borohydride with its renewable structure. Sodium borohydride is a widely preferred product in electronic devices, vehicles and electric/heat production plants, fuel cells used for military and civil purposes. Since boron may store 10,8% hydrogen and is not flammable or explosive and its hydrogen dispense reaction may be controlled and with similar features it provides ease of use.

The development of sodium borohydride production technology, which is one of the important raw materials of hydrogen storage technology which R&D studies are ongoing, is very important in terms of the efficient use of boron, the most valuable mine of Turkey, operated and produced by Eti Maden.


Güncellenme Tarihi: 2019-02-25 20:56:59

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