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Ceramic Drawing its Strength from Boron

Derived from high-temperature cooking of the mixture of clay and kaolin-like materials formed by the breakage of rocks, ceramic is a material that mankind has been using for many years.  With the use of boron and boron products, ceramic reaches a new structure that is more resistant to physical impact and chemicals. Approximately 13% of world boron consumption is realized in the ceramic sector. With the use of boron in ceramic glaze and enamel production, products resistant to heat, chemicals and physical impacts are obtained. Enamels high value added with boron and boron products are generally preferred actively for coating products with metal alloys and glaze is used for coating ceramic products.

Boron-containing ceramic which is frequently preferred in building materials, kitchen utensils and decorative items, is a product that is widely preferred both in the industrial field and everyday life. Ceramic products, we see as tableware in kitchen, ceramic tile and decoration products in bathroom, obtain a smoother appearance with the ceramic glaze in a thin glassy structure with the contribution of boron and boron products.  Boron
materials are used in ceramic products that corresponds the demand for wide surface areas in wall tiles. Silica and alumina materials can be baked at high temperature to form glaze. However, since this required heat is both technically difficult and costly, boron is used which is more economic and easy. In this phase boron and boron products, which have low melting temperature, directly contribute to the production of ceramic products at low cost and to be more durable.

Ceramic Renewed with Boron

Boron, which has high melting and bonding properties, reduces glass fluidity and surface tension, making ceramics more resistant to physical impacts and chemical effects. In the process of the aestheticization of ceramic; it helps to obtain vivid and bright colours by ensuring better adhesion of the paint.  In ceramic products which are resistant to scratching, breaking and crushing with the addition of boron and boron products, melting and sticking occur at lower temperatures.

Güncellenme Tarihi: 2019-02-25 20:53:41

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