Eti Maden, who directs Bor technology, in the light of the general purpose and policies of the Technology Development Department Directorate, carries out mine analysis studies in its laboratories designed according to international standards.

Eti Maden, in line with the laws and regulations in their laboratories, in order to develop technology and to follow developments, to increase knowledge, to be effective in international competition in science and technology, is conducting laboratory and pilot researches and provides laboratory services for mining with studies for solving environmental problems and superior analysis methods.

In the laboratories;

  • Boron Ore
  • Silicate Ore
  • Chromite Ore
  • Trona Ore
  • Barite Ore
  • Polymetallic Ore
  • Gold and Silver Ore
  • Water and Waste Water analyses are conducted.


Eti Maden, “Designing the Future of the Boron”, has been conducting research and development of new analytical methods in its laboratories equipped with modern equipments since 1993.

Processes of analysis and technological testing; analysis Request Form must be filled and sent to 0 312 397 16 55 via fax and service fee must be deposited in cash including VAT.

If the data obtained as a result of the objections to the analysis results come in the same direction as the first results, the analysis fee is taken again. In case of different results, no fee will be requested.

Unit prices in the table below are valid for routine analysis transactions. Pricing in technological investigations aimed at definite process detection, analyses with speciality and production oriented works are detected according to the nature of work.

Analytical and technological test service fees can be deposited to Eti Maden bank accounts or to Eti Maden Operations General Directorate Central Accounting Cashier’s Desk including VAT. With payment receipt arriving at the laboratory, the analysis process is started and may be mailed to the address in the Analysis Request Form or taken personally.


1) The price stated for chemical analyses and technological tests can be changed without any announcement by ETİ MADEN OPERATIONS in case the costs change.

2) Analysis fees are VAT exclusive. VAT will be added to the amount additionally.

Analysis Request Form

Complaint - Recommendation Form

Customer Complaint-Suggestion Process

For Complaints and Recommendations;

Unit E-Mail
Technology Development Department Laboratory Unit
Bandırma Boron and Acid Factories Operations Directorate Product Monitoring and Laboratory Unit
Bigadiç Boron Operations Directorate Product Monitoring and Laboratory Unit
Emet Boron Operations Directorate Product Monitoring and Laboratory Unit
Kırka Boron Operations Directorate Product Monitoring and Laboratory Unit



Crushing, Grinding, Drying, Grain Size Determination, Sampling

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Crushing-Grinding 8.5 TL/Kg
Drying 8.5 TL/Kg
Ignition Loss and Inhalant * 8.5 TL/Piece
Moisture (H2O) * 8.5 TL/Piece
Sieve Analysis (Dry) 17,5 TL/Piece
Sieve Analysis (Wet) 17,5 TL/Piece
Density Estimation with Pycnometer 17 TL/Piece
Flame Colour 7.5 TL/Piece

* Analyses under the scope of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025


  Boron Compounds

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
B2O3  * 33 TL/Piece
SiO2  * 65 TL/Piece
SO4 (Gravimetric) 31 TL/Piece
Total C,S (LECO Device) 33 TL/Piece
Organic C, S (LECO Device) 43 TL/Piece
Water Insoluble * 30 TL/Piece

* Analyses under the scope of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025


Trona Analyses

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
NaHCO3 28.5 TL/Piece
Na2CO3 28.5 TL/Piece
SiO2 64 TL/Piece
Cl  * 28 TL/Piece

* Analyses under the scope of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025


 Chromite Ore

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Cr2O3 57.5 TL/Piece
SiO2 74 TL/Piece


Natural Silicates

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
SiO2 93 TL/Piece


Barite Analysis

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
BaO 91.5 TL/Piece
SiO2 108.5 TL/Piece


Water Analysis

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Turbidity 12 TL/Piece
pH 5 TL/Piece
Dissolved Solids (evaporation residue at 180 °C) 9 TL/Piece
Dissolved Solids (evaporation residue at 105°C) 8.5 TL/Piece
Total Hardness 7 TL/Piece
Temporary Hardness 7 TL/Piece
Permanent Hardness 7 TL/Piece

NOTE: Other analyses requested in water are made spectrally.  Fees are the same as A.A.S., UV/VIS and ICP-OES.


Spectral Analyses

A.A.S and UV/VIS

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Ag 84 TL/Piece
Al 84 TL/Piece
As 84 TL/Piece
Au 84 TL/Piece
B 84 TL/Piece
Ba 84 TL/Piece
Ca  * 84 TL/Piece
Co 84 TL/Piece
Cr 84 TL/Piece
Cu 84 TL/Piece
Fe  * 84 TL/Piece
K 84 TL/Piece
Li 84 TL/Piece
Mg 84 TL/Piece
Mn 84 TL/Piece
Mo 84 TL/Piece
Na  * 84 TL/Piece
Ni 84 TL/Piece
P 84 TL/Piece
Pb 84 TL/Piece
Se 84 TL/Piece
SO4  * 84 TL/Piece
Sr 84 TL/Piece
Te 84 TL/Piece
Ti 84 TL/Piece
Tl 84 TL/Piece
V 84 TL/Piece
Zn 84 TL/Piece

* Analyses under the scope of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025
NOTE:  a - In A.A.S, flame and UV/VIS analyses, the first element is 84.00 TL.
b - Each subsequent element is 16.00 TL.
c - First element fee is applied for Au and Ag elements.



Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Li 84 TL/Piece
K 84 TL/Piece
Na 84 TL/Piece



Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
For the first element requested 84.5 TL/Piece
For each subsequent element analyses 28 TL/Piece



Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
x-ray diffraction recovery 37.5 TL/Piece
Qualitative Analysis (does not include detail clay analysis) 122 TL/Piece



Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Ag 100 TL/Piece
Al 100 TL/Piece
As 100 TL/Piece
Au 100 TL/Piece
Ba 100 TL/Piece
Ca 100 TL/Piece
Cd 100 TL/Piece
Ce 100 TL/Piece
Co 100 TL/Piece
Cr 100 TL/Piece
Cu 100 TL/Piece
Eu 100 TL/Piece
Fe 100 TL/Piece
K 100 TL/Piece
La 100 TL/Piece
Li 100 TL/Piece
Mg 100 TL/Piece
Mn 100 TL/Piece
Mo 100 TL/Piece
Na 100 TL/Piece
Nd 100 TL/Piece
Ni 100 TL/Piece
Os 100 TL/Piece
P 100 TL/Piece
Pb 100 TL/Piece
Pr 100 TL/Piece
Se 100 TL/Piece
Sn 100 TL/Piece
Sr 100 TL/Piece
Te 100 TL/Piece
Th 100 TL/Piece
Ti 100 TL/Piece
Tl 100 TL/Piece
V 100 TL/Piece
Zn 100 TL/Piece
Zr 100 TL/Piece

NOTE:  a - The first element in ICP-OES analyses is 100,00 TL
b - Each subsequent element 21,00 TL
c - First element fee is applied for Au and Ag elements.


Other Analyses

Name of the Analysis Price of the Analysis Unit
Zeta Potential Measurement 18 TL/Piece
Flotation 123 TL/Test
Leach 136 TL/Test
Magnetic Separation (Dry, High Field) 48 TL/Test
TG / DTA, Thermogravimetric Analysis 136 TL/Test
Calcination Test (Ash Oven) 122 TL/Test
Laser Particle Size (Dry) * 63 TL/Test
Laser Particle Size (Wet) * 67.5 TL/Test

* Analyses under the scope of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025

NOTE: Fee for pilot-scale unit work such as separation by hydrocyclone, solid-liquid separation (Decanter Centrifugal), and process development is determined by mutual agreement.

Güncellenme Tarihi: 2024-02-07 10:52:57

General Directorate
Kızılırmak Mahallesi 1443. Cadde No:5 06530 Çukurambar-Çankaya/ANKARA
+90 (312) 294 20 00
+90 (312) 230 71 84
© 2025 Eti Maden